After you look below click here to view all of Alan & Tess's photos online:
Story about photos:
Alan is Isaac's brother and Tess is his wife. They got married on April 19th of 2003 while Alan and Isaac were on leave from being activated with the ARMY. They wanted to renew their vows since so much has changed in their lives in the past 5 years. The two of them inspire Isaac and I to love each other everyday. They have an amazing 3 1/2 year old son Michael. He is the life of the party! Last year Alan and Tess bought 2 acres of land next door to the house Isaac's family grew up in. They are planning on clearing out the land and eventually building a house on the property. The land means so much to the entire family because that is where Alan, Isaac, and their sister Erin would go play when they were kids.
I wanted to do something special for their 5 year anniversary so together we came up with the idea to go take photos on their land in Volney. They bought a new tractor last week so I thought it would be fun to bring that along. These photos are just a few of the many great photos that I took during our session. It was during the quiet times of the session, with just the 2 of them and the 2 of us, that we really got to witness the love Alan & Tess have for each other. I hope these photos, in addition to the ones I posted yesterday, help tell the story of their love... and their sense of humor.

Rings on a tire of their tractor

Michael joined in on the fun half way through.

This was Alan's idea! Tess loved it.

Michael was showing me everything about the trailer and the truck

The decorations on the back of Isaac's parents house.

This was the original cake topper they used 5 years ago.

Tess was showing off her NEW rings to her grandmother.

Isaac loves his grandma!

Isaac's dad, Kevin is ordained. He married us as well!

Fin watching from the bay window inside.

The gang. From left to right: Isaac's parents Kevin & Peggy. Tess, Michael, Alan. Isaac's sister Erin, then me and Isaac. It was such a gorgeous day!

Sorry Isaac I HAD to put this one up here. Your such a goof!
That is a great shot of Isaac's dad during the ceremony! How sweet that he officiated your and Isaac's wedding ceremony, too! I'm glad I read everything you typed because I was going to ask you if Isaac's family still lives in Volney. Isaac grew up on the road right behind where I grew up... and where I still lived, actually, until Patrick and I moved into Oswego back in September. I loved being out in the country - miss it so much, too! I miss it most because that was my only home, ever, haha, so I don't know if anything will really feel like "home" again.
PS. Michael looks so much like Isaac!
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