Born Wed. Jan. 27th at 10:44pm
6lbs 14 oz. 19 3/4" long.
As I sit here writing this, holding Liam sleeping in my left arm, I think about how much my life has changed in a matter of weeks. Isaac and I are so happy to announce the birth of our first child. My eyes might be heavy, but my heart is overflowing with joy as I stare at my sons face dreaming of who he will become and what kind of adventures our growing family will enjoy. These past two weeks have been the most fulfilling two weeks of my life as Isaac and I learn the ropes to parenthood. We have taken some time off from answering emails and phone calls as we adjust to our new life, so please be patient with us, we will get in touch with you shortly Enjoy these first set of photos, there will be more to come every month.
A few hrs old

All ready to go home

Leaving the hospital! it was 10* outside!

he loves his nursery

What a peanut

Very alert at 7 days old

I love being a momma

Liam loves being swaddled!

Isaac having some father-son time

what an angel!!!
congratulations to both of you!
wishing your family all the happiness in life!!!
oh my goodness! your little boy is so adorable!! congratulations!
lora (i'm lauren's friend from south carolina, by the way.)
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