Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1 month until my due date

Wow time flies! 1 month until my due date. But I am estimating our baby boy will show up a few days late. I have been busy getting the nursery and house ready for a newborn as well as getting my business ready for my maternity leave. It is so exciting to see all the new services offered to photographers to help us manage our lives and schedules.
Today I would like to announce Kain's Photography now will have an online appointment scheduler available online. You will be able to go onto the website and see what I have available for the next month or so and then make and appointment to meet up with us. Whether you want to just stop by for a quick album pickup or if you would like to schedule a wedding consultation you can do it all through the online calendar. So if by chance I am not answering the phone and it is 11pm at night you can make an appt. How cool!!!

Check it out at:


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