Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last 3 album designs of the 2009 season

I have worked day in and day out finishing album designs with the hope of having them all ordered before the new year and delivered by my due date. I made this goal back in July when I started thinking seriously about my maternity leave. I am so proud of myself for getting down to business, and at the busiest time of year, reaching my goal!!! Woo hoo! To view each album design click on one of the 3 covers. There are 3 different album designs to view. My goal was to go on maternity leave the first week in January, but I am feeling great still and I really want to finish everything for my WONDERFUL clients before I go on leave. I'll let you all know when I finally set a date to go on leave.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Don't forget why we celebrate this wonderful holiday! If you are searching for a Christmas Eve Service in the Oswego area, my church will be hosting a rocking service at 6pm at 371 Thompson Road. Enjoy the albums!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1 month until my due date

Wow time flies! 1 month until my due date. But I am estimating our baby boy will show up a few days late. I have been busy getting the nursery and house ready for a newborn as well as getting my business ready for my maternity leave. It is so exciting to see all the new services offered to photographers to help us manage our lives and schedules.
Today I would like to announce Kain's Photography now will have an online appointment scheduler available online. You will be able to go onto the website and see what I have available for the next month or so and then make and appointment to meet up with us. Whether you want to just stop by for a quick album pickup or if you would like to schedule a wedding consultation you can do it all through the online calendar. So if by chance I am not answering the phone and it is 11pm at night you can make an appt. How cool!!!

Check it out at:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Albums Galore!

I have been quite busy with album designs lately! It has been so much fun dedicating most of my time to designing each and every album specifically for each couple. Christmas is 10 days away so I am busy busy trying to get as many orders to people as possible before the end of the week. I will be offically starting my maternity leave on Jan. 1st so I will be wrapping up as many things as possible before then. Of course you can always email me if you have any questions and I will try to respond to it. My due date is Jan. 22nd so with about 5 weeks left I have a lot to do to get ready for baby LIAM's arrival. Thank you all for being so patient!
Check out some of my most recent album designs. Click on each photo to view the entire album design:

Trisha & Josh's album from their Sept 18th wedding:

Ashley & Bob's album from their Sept 19th wedding:

Caroline & Stephen's album from their October 3rd wedding:

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Donna & Ron's Album

Tis the season to be designing albums like crazy!!!
Here is a preview of Donna & Ron's album design, click on the cover design to go to the rest of the album! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.