In the past 3 weeks we have shot 4 weddings, 2 senior portraits, moved my office back into my house, went to a 2 day conference (where I got to photograph 2 famous musicians up close and personal), celebrated 4 birthdays and our 4th anniversary. Wow I can't believe I did all that since Memorial Day.
For the next few days I will be sharing photos from all of our photo adventures including all of our past 3 weddings, portraits etc. This year we are really starting to focus more on our senior photography. We started off the senior season (May-Oct.) very strong with a double senior session of Shane & Chandler. These two were a blast to work with as we spent about an hour after school last week. This was our first senior session where we had two friends come together. It was fun to see them laugh at each other and I can tell they had a lot of fun. I think we might start trying to do more senior sessions with a friend or two. I cannot wait to see these photos printed out. Next summer we are planning on shooting more portraits and less weddings.
For the 2010 wedding season we are only going to shoot 10-12 weddings with a max of 1 per weekend and 2 per month. With our free weeks when we do not have weddings we are going to be shooting more senior sessions and family portraits. Woo hoo. I absolutely love weddings and If my body could take having a wedding every Friday and Saturday I would, but after 6 months of working every weekend my body hates me. This is good news for all of your Kain's Photography clients, because as my work load goes down, my quality and time available to answer your questions goes up! That is what full service support is all about... being available to YOU!
Now enjoy some of my favorites of Shane's senior session taken by the wonderful Isaac Kain himself:

You can view the entire session by going to Click on weddings/portraits and go to the portrait proofing page. Once there look for Shane & Chandler's name. Tomorrow I will have my favorites of Chandler.
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