Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Nice snow!

Here are a few photos from our snowstorm. My friend Catherine and I decided it would be a great idea to snowshoe to the river walk from my house. It was so nasty out, and once we got there the lower part of the river walk was under water! It was really awesome to see all the ice chucks rushing down the river. The photos from Warm Up Oswego are online, and I am currently sorting thorough them all to find the best of the best for my blog and for their website. Have a good day!

The West side river walk looking South

Catherine and I. I'm in the black in case you cant tell. Some people thing we are sisters.

I tend to take photos of my friends when they don't know it's coming... They also often leave me behind because I'm always stopping to get the next greatest photo opp.

Catherine spotted this shot. Just a light post filled with snow!

Also Isaac just got a full-time teaching job at APW. He starts Thursday so things may be a little behind on Thursday and Friday as I adjust to being the only one in the office during the day.

1 comment:

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Aww, Jenna, I love these! Oh, and that's so exciting about Isaac getting the job at APW! The drive out there is so beautiful... I love that area! :)