I am still in Saratoga! It is almost 6pm on Wed. I have been trying to leave all day but I have been so busy finishing up things from the hockey tournament. On Sunday Isaac hit something in the road and busted a *new* tire and bent our rim. So at the end of this week and $600 later we will have one completely new wheel. Our car is awesome but we have had the WORST luck with the tires. Since we have been stuck here waiting for our tire to come in we have tried to get a lot of work done and have some fun. Isaac and I went snowshoeing in my parents backyard (13acres) last night. The moon was so bright we didn't even need out headlamps. We were having fun playing around with the camera in the dark. We were using 30 sec. exposures... which is a lot! Here are some fun shots! We were just having a good time messing around with light!

Trees in my parents backyard.

Running around the frame while flasing our headlamps towards the camera.

A view of my parents house through the back woods.

Another view of my parents house through the pool fence. I liked the light that went through the fence and created a cool pattern on the snow.
1 comment:
Ouu, the third photo is so pretty! The painting with light photo is neat, too! I've seen a lot of that lately. It's pretty cool!
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