We are very excited to be having a baby within 6 months of both of my sisters. My oldest sister Lauren just had a baby a few weeks ago and my second oldest sister Caitlin is due a short 4-5 weeks after I am. How exciting!
Sono taken at 9 weeks. Looks like a teddy graham or a sour patch kid.

With this big news I must announce another big plan. With the addition to our family we have had to make some big decisions in the last few weeks. Over the past few weeks I have been struggling with what to do next year. I have been debating whether or not I want to work next year. Over the last few days I have come to the conclusion that it would be a disservice to my clients and to my family if I were to continue working next year at the pace I am doing this year. I do not have the capacity to split my time equally between my family and my work. After watching my oldest sisters newborn over the course of a week I realized how important those first few months/years are and I do not want to miss out on any of it. It is hard to make such a drastic decision when I don't even know what it is going to be like to have a baby, but being a wedding photographer I need to be proactive and make these decisions early on. We have 3 weddings booked so far for 2010 and will only be taking 8 more local weddings for the 2010 season. So if you are having a wedding in the Oswego/Syracuse area get on the phone ASAP and call us up. This may be just a one season part-time hiatus and you may very well see us out every weekend in 2011, but we will be taking one season at a time.
Please email us at Jenna@KainsPhotography.com if you have any questions or concerns! I cannot wait to see how the rest of this wedding season progresses and then to see my baby!