I will be putting an ad in the Pall-times for the month of March on their bridal page. Here are a few ads I have created for the spot. I have not decided which one I want yet.
Today is a very busy work day for me! Although I am not a huge fan of politics, don't forget to get out there and vote today. This is actually a really important race. Anyways here are so random shots in addition to shots I took this weekend while snowshoeing in Watertown and then cross-country skiing in Oswego with our friends Joe and Robin.
This is an 18x24" hockey poster I made for Jen Stafford. This time I decided to switch the poster to be horizontal instead of vertical. I think it works really well!
Just a cool shot I took out the front door of my house when it started to snow late one night. The street light in front of our house is SO bright!
Isaac getting ready to snowshoe in Thompson Park in Watertown on Saturday.
Im pumped and ready to tackle the snow! I got new snowshoes this year and I absolutly LOVE them! Tubbs women's venture 21".
The path we made on the golf course. The sky was so blue.
This was an amazing tree right in the middle of the golf course. My camera died right after taking this photo. Isaac proceeded to climb up the tree in his snowshoes. He is crazy.
Skiing in Scriba with Robin, Isaac, and Joe. This was our first time in such a long time. It is quite different than down-hill skiing. It probably didn't help that I was taking photos while skiing.
The sun through the trees. It was quite a site!
Everyone left me so I decided to take the quiet opportunity to take this photo of the path. A snowmobile made the path that we skied one.
Isaac showing his moves.
I was so intrigued by these! I could've stayed out there for an hour shooting this field. I would love to take a portrait within all of this stuff!
Finally we are with someone that can take a photo! We even matched with maroon sweaters that day. How cute.
Joe wanted to cross this creek. I said no! but it was such a pretty unspoiled scenery.
I took this shot while on a walk with Isaac and our dog Ruby. I had my camera in my pocket still from skiing and the sun just lit up the sky so much. I wish I was down by the lake to get this sunset. Oh well City traffic will have to do.
This weekend Isaac and I decided to spend the entire weekend outdoors. On Saturday we drove up to Boylston/Mannsville area on the Tug Hill to watch some dog sled races. The races took place in Winona State Forest Preserve, a place you should check out for all your skiing, biking, snowshoeing, mushing, and snowmobiling needs. We arrived close to the start of the 4 dog team, mid distance race. It was about a 10mile race and would take over an hour so we only saw the beginning. It was so great to get outdoors. The weather was beautiful and there was so much to do. As per request of my parents who couldn't make it to the races with us I have attached a good amount of photos from the races. If you have never seen a dog sled race before you should go. The people are so nice and the dogs are so cute! I would love to get into mushing as a hobby. Here goes:
I LOVE MY JOB!!! Add alpacas to the long list of all the things I have photographed!
Today was quite a change of pace for me. Isaac and I left mid morning to photograph a 7 month old Alpaca who belongs to Salmon River Alpacas in Pulaski. She is up for sale and they wanted to make sure they had professional photographs so they could reach out to the best buyers. Check out their website by clicking on the link above. They own 17 alpacas on over 20 acres, it is a great place to bring the family! Alpacas are amazing animals. I could not believe how soft they are! I have my eyes on some socks that come from alpaca fleece. Here are a few photographs from the morning spent with Chris and Jody, the black and white photos are my own picks while the color photographs are the ones that Chris and Jody picked... i.e: They are true to the stance/look of alpacas.
Here are some photos that Isaac took of me back in January. You may remember seeing photos of Isaac on SUNY Oswego campus. Well he finally got me to put some up of myself. So here they are... taken by Isaac of course: